2016 World Interfaith Harmony Week Opportunities

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World Interfaith Harmony WeekWorld Interfaith Harmony Week is celebrated February 1-7 every year. World Interfaith Harmony Week invites all people of goodwill, including those of different faiths and no faith to act for “Love of the Good, and Love of the Neighbor.”

World Interfaith Harmony Week provides a platform—one week in a year—when interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill can show the world what a powerful movement they are. The thousands of events organized by these groups often go unnoticed not only by the general public, but also by other groups themselves. This week will allow for these groups to become aware of each other and strengthen the movement by building ties and avoiding duplicating each others’ efforts. To learn more, go to www.worldinterfaithharmonyweek.org/

Compassion GamesCompassion Game Opportunities

SiVIC invites individuals, groups, and congregations to join Compassion Silicon Valley in another round of Compassion Games to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week. Learn more at World Interfaith Harmony Week 2016.

Below is a list of events in our area that celebrate interreligious understanding and harmony. If your group or congregation is sponsoring an activity, please let us know at info@sivicouncil.org.

Individual Activities

  • Sign up with Compassion Games and receive daily missions of compassion.
  • Watch Karen Armstrong’s TED talk on compassion
  • Watch / read The Charter for Compassion  and SIGN THE CHARTER if you are willing
  • Do a compassionate action for another!

Group activities

  • Sunday, January 31: Attend a Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue at the Zen Center of Sunnyvale
  • Monday, February 1: Meet a Muslim: bring your questions and talk with Moina Shaiq and Azam Khan.
  • Thursday, February 4: Join SiVIC for an Interreligious Leaders Forum. Our speaker will be Jim Mollerus, Sheltering Lead for the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross. He will talk about the Red Cross emergency shelter program and how religious communities can help in times of emergency and disaster.
  • Friday, February 5: Come to the South Bay Islamic Center for dinner and a panel discussion of “Interfaith and Tackling Phobia.”
  • Saturday, February 6: World Interfaith Harmony Day Celebration in Fremont. Participants From Over 10 Faith Groups Booths With Information on Each Faith; A Moderated Panel of Faith Leaders; and Appetizers, Refreshments and Stimulating Conversation.