The Jain Center of Northern California (a SiVIC Affiliate) observed the International Day of Nonviolence (Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday) by serving some 2200 freshly cooked Vegan meals to unhoused population during October 1 to 3 through out Santa Clara County to promote nonviolence in Food (Ahimsa Mels). SiVIC partnered with them to distribute these meal packets by bringing together homeless advocate groups (AGAPE, Hope4theUnhoused, Opening Doors, PitStopOutreach, SV Homeless Union,), shelters, Arham Youth Seva, and Santa Clara University students who all went to encampments and distributed the meal boxes. Number of volunteers involved in this whole effort exceeded 150 expending some 750 person-hours. This was part of the National effort of Jains to promote Ahimsik (Nonviolent) Meals.