About sivicouncil

Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC)

Interfaith Prayer for Peace, Nonviolence and Remembrance

Prayers for PeaceWednesday, April 20, 2016, 7:30 pm
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
2020 East San Antonio Street, San Jose, CA 95116

In observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, the Diocese of San Jose will host an interfaith service to pray for peace, non-violence and remembrance of crime victims. Please join with Catholics, Jews, Baptists, Presbyterians, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and others to pray together while seeking to recognize victims, build trust and restore hope to our community and communities around the world.

Sponsored by the Diocese of San José; co-sponsored by United Church of Christ, Silicon Valley Interreligious Council, Campaign for Nonviolence, Temple Emanu-El, Jain Center of Northern California, Stone Church of Willow Glen, and National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.

More information

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March Newsletter

Silicon Valley Teen Interfaith CouncilThe SiVIC newsletter for March is now available with articles on Forum: Beloved Community; Teen Interfaith Leadership Council; Interfaith Prayers for Peace and Nonviolence; and Hands Around the Mosque.

You can also find the monthly Multifaith Calendar and the Upcoming Opportunities list.

Read the newsletter.

Check the Calendar.

Subscribe to the newsletter by sending your address to subscribe@sivicouncil.org.

Teens visit United Nations

Shayda Sales participated in the Silicon Valley Teen Interfaith Leadership Council. In February, she traveled to the United Nations as part of World Interfaith Harmony Week. She created a video that briefly shows some of the experiences she and three other teens from United Religions Initiative Cooperation Circles enjoyed.

Read more about the teens and their trip:

February Newsletter

Silicon Valley Interreligious CouncilThe February Newsletter for SiVIC is now available. Look for articles and information on:

  • Interreligious Leaders Forum: Beloved Community
  • The Interfaith Observer
  • Non-Christian Religions Series
  • Interfaith Prayers for Peace and Nonviolence

As well as our regular Multifaith Calendar, listing religious observances from many traditions and Upcoming Opportunities for interfaith engagement. Don’t forget to check for updates on our Events Calendar.

Muslims of America Condemn Terrorism

Muslims of America Condemn Terrorism

This statement appeared today in The San Jose Mercury News. A similar version appeared earlier in the San Francisco Chronicle. We support our Muslim brothers and sisters and their efforts to be heard.

There has been a rash of terror attacks most recently in Paris and San Bernardino. Several of these attacks have been carried out by people acting seemingly in the name of our faith, Islam.

As American Muslims we condemn these attacks. The killing of innocent people is abhorrent, barbaric and an affront to our faith. No cause justifies violence and terrorism against innocent civilians.

We strongly condemn ISIS and all of their claims. Most importantly, we completely reject their assertion that they are carrying out a holy war sanctioned by our holy book, the Quran. Despite claiming to act in the name of our faith, they do not represent us, nor do they speak for us. These terrorists do not represent the views of the overwhelming majority of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, more than a fifth of the world’s population.

American Muslims are part of the fabric of this country.We contribute to our society in a variety of ways as accountants, architects, doctors, economists, engineers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, nurses, students and teachers.We run businesses and we serve in the armed forces, the National Guard and the police.We are your neighbors, coworkers and friends in this great land of ours.We cherish the freedoms and liberties that are enshrined in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We dearly love our country and do everything in our power to make it strong and keep it safe.

Sponsored by:
Council of American Islamic Relations, Bay Area chapter (CAIR), Islamic Center of Zahra, Pleasanton (ICZ), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Islamic Network Group, San Jose (ING), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Community Association, Santa Clara (MCA), Muslim Community Center Eastbay, Pleasanton (MCC Eastbay), SABA Islamic Center, San Jose, San Ramon Valley Islamic Center (SRVIC), Shura Council of Southern California, South Bay Islamic Association, San Jose (SBIA), United Muslims of America-Interfaith Alliance, South San Francisco

World Interfaith Harmony Week- Feb 1-7

World Interfaith Harmony WeekWorld Interfaith Harmony Week begins on February 1, and SiVIC invites you to join in another round of Compassion Games to celebrate. See details on World Interfaith Harmony Week 2016, and be sure to check out upcoming opportunities to build and honor interfaith harmony.

January Newsletter

Compassion GamesThe January Newsletter for SiVIC is now available. Look for articles and information on:

  • Compassion Games and World Interfaith Harmony Week
  • Ending Human Trafficking
  • MLK Day Celebration Train
  • Leaders Forum: Red Cross and Emergencies
  • Non-Christian Religions Series

As well as our regular Multifaith Calendar, listing religious observances from many traditions and Upcoming Opportunities for interfaith engagement. Don’t forget to check for updates on our Events Calendar.


Homeless Persons’ Interfaith Memorial Service

We gathered on Monday evening to remember those who died homeless in San José this past year and also those who continue homeless in our community. Thanks to the several religious leaders who took part and to those who braved the rain to lend their support.

Special thanks to Board Member Steve Herrera for the video.

Statement on Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

cropped-logo.site-icon.fw_.pngA couple of months ago in the face of statements that had already been made by many in the political arena that sought to stir up and focus hostility toward our Muslim brothers and sisters, the Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC) joined with several other local and national organizations to speak out against the rhetoric and in favor of the values of our common humanity: mutual respect, understanding, and compassion.

Since then, things have only gotten worse. Too many are prepared to foster suspicion and fear not only against Syrian refugees fleeing death and destruction in their own lands, but against our neighbors, friends, and co-citizens here in the United States. Those who foster fear and suspicion are placing the blame on an entire segment of our own people for the actions of a few violent individuals claiming religious justification for their attacks.

We are distressed to hear how our Muslim friends and neighbors are living in fear, and even more distressed to hear of harassment, abuse, and attacks that have actually taken place. We stand together with them and join them in condemning those who would hijack Islam for their own purposes.

Violent individuals may use scripture or religion to shore up their hostility and to attempt to undergird their legitimacy and authority. These strategies have persuasive power because they touch on and manipulate deep psychological issues of authority, communal identity, relationships, and attitudes towards those named as “outsiders.” These very same potentially violent dynamics underlie current campaign rhetoric, as they provide a way for candidates to manipulate the truth in their efforts to win an election.

We are still nearly a year away from the election, and there is no reason to anticipate that the rhetoric of suspicion and fear will go away any time soon. We commit ourselves to upholding the human rights and freedom of all members of our society. We commit to continuing to reach out to those of different religious traditions and of no religious tradition. Our coming together is not something new, but an ever-growing and emphatic affirmation of who we are as a people.

Here in Silicon Valley we know that what makes for a great America is not division, suspicion, fear or demonizing of others. We are great because we stand together—people of diverse cultures, languages, traditions, and religions who work together to make the world better for all of us. Together we seek to build a more just and compassionate society.

SiVIC Board

NOTE: Two opportunities to join our Muslim communities this week:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015, 6:30 pm: Stand Together in Solidarity
Muslim Community Association, 3003 Scott Blvd., Santa Clara
Join the Muslim Community Association, South Bay Islamic Association, Evergreen Islamic Center, Blossom Valley Muslim Community Center and many Bay Area Mosques for a solidarity event with the Victims’ families of the San Bernardino Shooting.  Sponsored by Bay Area Mosques Coalition.

Saturday, December 19, 2015, 1:00 – 4:00 pm, Eid Festival (Celebration of Muslim Holidays)
First United Methodist Church, 625 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto
A special opportunity to learn how Muslims celebrate their holidays. Three panelists from Islam, Christianity and Judaism will share how they celebrate their holidays, followed by Q & A and table sharing to encourage dialog and to learn about each other’s holiday traditions. Sponsored by American Muslim Voice.

Details on the SiVIC Events Calendar

Learning About Other Traditions

interfaith symbolsIn Commemoration of The 50th Anniversary of Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate (The Church and Other Religions), Santa Teresa Parish presents a five part series about non-­Christian traditions. Promoting mutual respect and understanding to create a more peaceful world characterized by tolerance and good will. Featured speakers come from Muslim, Hindu, Zen Buddhist, Jain, and Jewish traditions. All are welcome! The series begins on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 7:00 – 8:30 pm at Santa Teresa Parish, 794 Calero Ave, SJ 95123. See the Events Calendar for additional sessions.

“The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions. She regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teachings which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men.” Nostra Aetate, Vatican II

Download a flyer: Santa Teresa Interfaith Poster