About sivicouncil

Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC)

Statement of Solidarity with the Grace Baptist Church Community

We, the Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC) Board and Affiliates, are deeply saddened to learn of the violent incident at the Grace Baptist Church facility that occurred a few days ago. We extend our prayers and our support to the entire Grace Baptist Church community and the Grace Solutions community. We pray for the speedy and full recovery of those injured in the incident. Our prayers are with the families of the deceased.

As you have stated on your website, “This is what faith is all about. Faith is risking it all. We risk knowing both the rewards and the reality that there will be problems, pain, and conflict. We are called to this radical hospitality for those who need it the most. This is our call, our purpose, our mission, and the way we love Jesus.” From time to time our faith is tested but it is our faith that gets us through such tests. The Grace Baptist Church’s leadership shows us a true path of love and service to everyone who needs them.

Your church has been a leader in providing support to persons living with mental illness, in need of housing and in search of a meal. Your community has committed itself to following Jesus in reaching out to the most vulnerable members of the community. SiVIC and Grace Baptist Church have interacted closely in the past, from our founding Chair, Late Rev. D. Andrew Kille, a pastor at your church to Soup & Coat drive to the Compassion Games gatherings in your facility.

We offer our solidarity with you and your service efforts even in these challenging times of COVID-19. Lastly, we pray for all those affected by this tragedy, both sufferers and perpetrators and their families. We stand ready to provide support any way we can when you call on us.

Donate generously

With your generosity and goodwill, we can help a homeless person survive this harsh weather. Please consider making a contribution on the #Giving Tuesday.

SiVIC promotes interreligious harmony to build a more just and compassionate society. We need your support to achieve our mission. 

Your donation will make a difference in the lives of many.

Seventh Annual Homeless Persons’ Interfaith Memorial Service

SiVIC will host Seventh Annual Homeless Persons’ Interfaith Memorial Service on December 21 at St. James Park and Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. This is a hybrid, small In-person & virtual (Facebook Live) event to keep everyone safe. The event will include “distribution of survival supplies” as well as lunch.

We invite you to contribute to this event by donating any amount which will go towards supporting our unhoused neighbors.

Thanksgiving Liturgy


Click to Play Now: Thanksgiving Liturgy Video:

Archbishop Mitty High School & SiVIC celebrate Thanksgiving with a non-eucharist liturgy. Each year they focus on a different aspect of how we can foster a deeper sense of gratitude and giving.  This year we asked four members of silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC) to reflect on their own faith traditions (Zoroastrian, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism).

This video (about 25 mins long) includes music, student lead prayers, reflection by four spiritual leaders from SiVIC, closing song by students, etc. Please play it and make your Thanksgiving holidays more reflective of the gratitude we all feel at this time of the year.

Tzu Chi Foundation – wildfires relief Effort

TZU Chi Foundation is providing assistance to wildfire victims:

Please register at “tzuchi.us” by September 30 or call 408-256-0571, or email to relief-nc@tzuchi.us for assistance.

TZU Chi Foundation Volunteers assisting fire victims

The Tzu Chi Northwest Region has immediately paid close attention to the disaster situation when the wildfire started.  Volunteers has visited evacuation centers to find out the situation of the victims and the help they needed. Subsequently, blankets and cash cards were delivered.

Due to the pandemic, volunteers have initiated innovative online system to provide assistance to victims affected by the fires. Volunteer are also mobilized to do the distribution of cash cards and materials to them.

Tzu Chi Northwest Region volunteers are providing emergency financial assistance to fire survivors. If any homes sustained major damage, the victims can go to “tzuchi.us” to complete a simple registration, or call hotline 408-256-0571, or email to relief-nc@tzuchi.us for assistance.

SiVIC Included in Interfaith Leaders Video

On May 14, 2020, at 10:30am, clergy participated in recording prayers for “Interfaith Leaders in Solidarity and Prayer”. to express our solidarity with each other across faith lines and our solidarity with the entire community suffering together in this time of Covid 19.  The prayer gathering was first suggested by the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, which was formed on February 4, 2019 on the initiative of His Eminence Dr Ahmad At-Tayyeb, Grand Imam of Al Azhar Al Sharif on the occasion of the visit of Pope Francis to Abu Dhabi.. Those participating include:

Imam Tahir Anwar (Imam South Bay Islamic Association)
Rabbi Melanie Aron (Rabbi Congregation Shir Hadash, Los Gatos),
The Right Reverend Lucinda Ashby (Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real),
The Most Reverend Oscar Cantu, (Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of San Jose)
Bishop Mark Holmerud (Bishop of the Sierra-Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church),
The Reverend Joey Lee (Executive Presbyter of the San Jose Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church [PCUSA])
The Reverend Joy-Ellen Lipsky, Board Chair of the Silicon Valley Interreligious Council

and Father Jose Rubio was the M.C.

Here is the link for the video!  https://vimeo.com/418583812

7400+ Lives Saved

New research estimates that by sheltering in place, Santa Clara County residents have saved more than 7,400 lives in our area alone. By staying home, residents made collective sacrifice that prevented infections, hospitalizations and remarkable number of deaths. We encourage people to continue to follow social distancing guidance and health officer orders.

Information on the Amah Mutsun (Ohlone) Families COVID-19 Relief Fund

There is now a fundraiser set up to assist Amah Mutsun tribal members who are being impacted by the pandemic. Please consider sharing it, and making a donation if you are in a position to do so. Thank you!

Amah Mutsun Families COVID-19 Relief Fund


“This is a fundraiser to assist Amah Mutsun Tribal Band members during the COVID-19 crisis. Funds will be used for personal protective equipment (PPE), food, elder care, medical supplies and transportation, school-related supplies for distance learning, and rent assistance for those most in need. 

Because we are not a federally recognized tribe, we receive no medical, educational, social services or elder care assistance from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Many of our approximately 800 tribal members live paycheck to paycheck and do not have health insurance.

Thank you for supporting our tribal members in this difficult time. We continue to pray for the families and people all over the world who are coping with the loss of loved ones and facing many forms of hardship during this pandemic.”