Santa Clara County Becomes Compassionate Community!

SiVIC Board Chair Rev. Andrew Kille, Treasurer Girish Shah, and Secretary Rev. Joy-Ellen Lipsky spoke at the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 25 in favor of a resolution to make Santa Clara County a Compassionate Community and to sign the Charter for Compassion. The vote of the Board of Supervisors was unanimous in favor of the resolution. This was a significant step in our Compassionate Silicon Valley Project.

For video and documentation of the Compassionate Community Resolution by the County Board of Supervisors, click here. You can find the specific location by clicking item #15 in the Agenda (it’s at about 3:04:19 in the video proceedings).

As part of the resolution, SiVIC has been charged with creating a Stewardship Group with other supportive people to “partner with local public and private entities to create a shared vision that will enhance positive change, civic engagement, and establish the County of Santa Clara as a model ‘Compassionate Community.'”

Now we need to others to join us in getting the mayors of the 15 cities of Santa Clara County to sign the Charter for Compassion.

We have taken a big first step in this program and can move forward towards the goal of Compassionate Silicon Valley!

Compassion Games at Luna Park Chalk Festival

chalkart2016SiVIC and the Compassion Games got some sidewalk time at the Luna Park Chalk Festival in Backesto Park in San Jose on Saturday. Many thanks to Joy-Ellen Lipsky and Rowan Fairgrove (with an assist by Darren), who created the piece.

Check the Compassionate Silicon Valley page for information on the Compassion Games and more events this week.

It’s Time for the Compassion Games!

Join SiVIC and other community groups in a coopetition* to turn Silicon Valley into Compassionate Silicon Valley!
*cooperative competition

Compassion Games 2016SiVIC is participating in our second annual “Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest Coopetition”  from September 11th to September 21st, the Days of Global Unity. We invite you to help us challenge and inspire our neighbors to make our community a safer, kinder, more just, and better place to live!

The Compassion Games calls all people from all sectors and all parts of our world to share the vision of justice and equality, and collaborate to create a more connected, caring community. Together as engaged citizens, we can strengthen what’s already working in our communities, and produce a collective impact that is greater than the work each of us, or any one of our organizations, can produce individually.

This year, SiVIC and Compassionate Silicon Valley are embarking on a campaign to have Santa Clara County and all Cities in the County (Silicon Valley) affirm and sign the Charter For Compassion and thereby earn the status of “Compassionate Silicon Valley”, joining many areas of the world who have affirmed the Charter and adopted compassionate policies.

We urge you to personally sign the Charter and the petition to your city/county officials, urging them to affirm and sign the Charter. The Petition form provides the details about the Charter. Please click on this petition link and fill the form which will be your electronic signature.

Check our Compassionate Silicon Valley page for more information on how you and your community can take part, and see the listing of opportunities to participate.

SiVIC Becomes a Partner of the Charter for Compassion

Charter for CompassionSiVIC is now a partner in the network of “Compassionate Communities” called together by the Charter for Compassion. In their words, “We envision a richly diverse ‘network of networks,’ people from every sector—business, healthcare, education, government, faith and interfaith, peace and non-violence, the arts, and those working to preserve the environment—who will bring compassion to everything they do, and who will take responsibility for igniting the compassion of the general community to care for each other and for the well-being of all members of the community from birth through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood to old age and death.” Watch for ways that you can get involved in working to make Silicon Valley “a more just and compassionate society.”