Here are the links to our Self Reflection, Self Care videos so that you might find them more easily to view:
Unitarian Universalism – Rev. Joy-Ellen Lipsky
Hinduism – Soma Chatterjee
Jainism – Girsh Shah
Wicca – Rev. Rowan Fairgrove
Buddhism – Rev. Andrew Bear
Hinduism – Dr. Sulochina Lulla
Zoroastrianism – Nina Bhaisa
Interfaith Easter – Deacon Steve Herrera
Islam – Nihal Sahan
Category Archives: News
Online Worship Services in Santa Clara County
To add your faith community information to this list, send an email with the name of your faith community and a link to the information on how to join the online worship to
Updated May 5, 2020
Congregation Beth David
Congregation Shir Hadash
Congregation Sinai
Temple Emanu-El
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
First Unitarian Church of San Josè
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
Cathedral of Faith
Calvary Church Los Gatos
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Saratoga
Venture Christian Church Los Gatos
Foxworthy Baptist Church San Jose
St. Francis Episcopal Church San Jose
Center for Spiritual Living
Jain Center of Northern California
Moral Response to COVID-19 in Santa Clara County
Click Here to read (and sign) the moral statement that was beautifully crafted by three clergy members taking into thoughtful consideration comments and suggestions from others. This statement (and your signature, if you choose to sign) will be released to the public through a variety of media outlets.
COVID-19 Interfaith Activities and Resources

Let us know what your faith community is doing and what resources it is sharing around COVID-19. Send an email to We will add that info to this resource and to the SiVIC Events page. Thanks to the San Francisco Interfaith Council, SiVIC Executive Committee, and others.
UPDATED May 5, 2020
- American Red Cross: Coronavirus: Safety and Readiness Tips for You
- Donate Blood
- California Department of Public Health: Mass Gatherings Should be Postponed or Canceled Statewide to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Guidance for Businesses and Employers Re COVID-19
- Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi – California’s 12th District: Putting Families First During COVID-19 (3/22/2020)
- Coronavirus Preparedness Kit
- Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy’s Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center
- Santa Clara County COVID-19 Dashboard
Governor Gavin Newsom – State of California
- Governor Newsom Requests Federal Assistance to Support California’s Efforts to Prepare for COVID-19 Surge (3/20/2020)
- Order of State Public Health Officer: Governor Gavin Newsom Issues Stay At Home Order for All Individuals in California (3/19/2020)
- Governor Newsom Requests Federal Assistance to Support California’s Efforts to Prepare for COVID-19 Surge (3/19/2020)
- Governor Newsom Takes Emergency Actions & Authorizes $150 Million in Funding to Protect Homeless Californians from COVID-19 (3/18/2020)
- Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA)
- MedlinePlus
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- JAMA Network (a comprehensive collection of all known coronavirus information)
- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
- ACLM Patient Resource
- Social Work Resources
World Health Organization (WHO)
- “Communities of Faith Grappling with the Coronavirus” The Takeaway Podcast (3/9/2020)
- Coronavirus Prevention Tips for Those Over 60 (CNN) (3/13/2020)
- Coronavirus Resource Center (Harvard Medical School)
- Exposure Control Plan
- “Finding Faith: Better Together: Bay Area Interfaith Community Worship” (3/22/2020)
- Free Technology Resources for Shelter in Place (3/3/2020)
- Get the Facts on Coronavirus Video (2/1/2020)
- How Canceled Events and Self-Quarantines Save Lives in One Chart (3/10/2020)
- Non-Profit Learning Lab: How to Handle the “Tech” of Online Meetings and Trainings
- Keep the Faith, Lose the Germs: Clergy Rethink Customs in the Age of Coronavirus (NPR) (3/7/2020)
- Metta Fund: COVID-19 Rapid Response (3/16/2020)
- Safety Tips
- United States Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracker
- What Kids Want to Know About Coronavirus (2/28/2020)
- COVID-19 Small Business Resiliency Fund(OEWD) – Funding up to $10,000 for employee salaries and rent.
- Revolving Loan Fund (OEWD/Main Street Launch) – Microloans of up to $50,000.
- Emerging Loan Fund (OEWD/Main Street Launch) – Loans between $50,000 to $250,000.
- Economic Injury Disaster Low Interest Loans (Small Business Administration) – Loans to to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue and provide economic support to small businesses.
- Deferral of Business Tax and Annual License/Permit Fees (Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector)
- Payroll Report and Payroll Tax Extension(Employment Development Department – EDD)
- Tax Payment Deferment and Extended Deadline(Internal Revenue Service – IRS)
- Moratorium on Commercial Evictions – Applies to small/medium businesses with a license to operate in San Francisco that have less than $25 million in annual gross receipts.
- Leasing and Legal Assistance(OEWD/Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights)
- City of San Jose Housing Department
- Paid Sick Leave- Workers and Families First Program (OEWD) – Funding to provide an additional five days of sick leave pay to workers beyond their existing policies.
- Rapid Response Services(OEWD) – Orientation for impacted employees to provide information on job training programs, healthcare, disability insurance, unemployment, etc.).
- Partial Claims (Employment Development Department – EDD) – For employers that want to keep employees when there is a lack of work.
- Work Share Program (Employment Development Department – EDD) Unemployment insurance for employers to help minimize the need for layoffs when there is lack of work.
- Suspension of Water Shut-offs/Waiving Late Fees (SFPUC)
- Suspension of Gas and Electric Shut-offs/Flexible Payment Plans (PG&E)
- Childcare for Children of Parents on the Front Lines and Low-Income Working Families(Recreation and Park, and Public Library)
- Expanded Childcare for Health Care Workers and Other Essential Workers (Recreation and Park, and Dept. of Children, Youth and their Families)
- California’s COVID-19 webpage
- Guidance on Continuity of Payment to City Nonprofit Partners (Controller’s Office)
- Webinars on Adapting and Responding to Coronavirus(California’s Employers Association)
- Community Services Agency:
- Life Moves San Jose: - Sunnyvale Community Services:
- Sacred Heart Community Services:
- Salvation Army San Jose:
- Salvation Army Santa Clara:
- St. Joseph’s Family Center:
- West Valley Community Services:
- Homeless Resources
- California Homeless Shelters and Social Services: (Choose from a list of cities)
- Health Trust:
- Emergency Assistance Network of Santa Clara County
- Catholic Charities:
- Step Up Silicon Valley
- United Way Bay Area
- Senior Nutrition Program – Meals On Wheels
- Allsup (obtaining Social Security Disability)
- Office of Immigrant Relations
- City of Santa Clara Senior Nutrition: To-Go Lunches Only:
- GreenFaith
- Santa Clara University COVID-19 Webpage:
- Shopping Angels: Those interested in getting involved with “Shopping Angels” can email the organization at or contact them on Facebook.
- Physical Activity Alliance Resource List
- Resources include relaxation & meditation, fitness & yoga, art classes, & more
- Stay Home, Save Lives, Check In.
- California state’s website for volunteering during Covid-19 is
- Silicon Valley Strong — an effort to keep everyone connected, and to provide for the needs of all.
- Coping with stress during an infectious disease outbreak
- Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health during an Infectious Disease Outbreak
- Helping Children Cope with Emergencies
- Coping After a Disaster– A Ready Wrigley activity book for children age 3-10
The following talking points are suggested for those caregivers providing outreach to our vulnerable populations of those who are 60-years-old and over:
- Coronavirus is serious: COVID-19 or “Coronavirus” is a serious illness that poses serious risks for older adults 60 years and older.
- You may be vulnerable: Older adults and people with pre-existing health conditions are vulnerable populations and may be at higher risk for COVID-19 coronavirus.
- Know the symptoms: The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath, if you experience any of these symptoms, contact your medical provider immediately.
- Your loved ones (children/grandchildren?) need you healthy! Take precautions today to ensure your health tomorrow.
- Reduce your risk: There
are easy steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting sick, and these
are important to remember.
- Stay at home. We know this may mean not attending your regular church service or seeing friends or family. While hopefully temporary, it is an important step to take to protect yourself and your family’s health.
- Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Make sure you have a supply of all essential medications.
Suggested Activities for Seniors/Older Adults
- Keep busy at home: If you
find yourself making fewer outings, there are many things to do at home.
- Read a book, listen to music or see virtual exhibits at the SF library and Digital Public Library of America
- Tour 500 of the world’s best museums
- Check out the Smithsonian’s nearly 4 million images and 3-D models:
- Watch documentaries from around the world, free!:
- Spring cleaning
- Get Crafty — knit, paint, explore your inner artist!
- Spend time with pets
- Don’t self-isolate. Reach out
and talk to someone:
- Call a family member or friend
- Check on neighbors and friends (by phone or text!)
- Enjoy a video call with grandchildren or other loved ones
Meditate with others in Silicon Valley: Blue Lotus Center Wednesday Online Meditation at 6:30pm:
Sad Tidings for the Holidays
The Silicon Valley Interreligious Council wishes to once again say how very sorry we are for our religious friends who suffered losses during this holiday season. It is passed time for everyone to condemn these horrific crimes by people who should be in treatment rather than taking the lives of others. May we find the courage in 2020 to change the pattern.
Blessings During the Holy Day Season
From the invocation at the Pacifica Institute Silicon Valley’s Interfaith Thanksgiving and Forum
Mother Teresa said “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” What a world it would be if we all followed that direction! Imagine if we each sent blessings to one another and gave thanks for all the diversity and variety there is. Each of us is a miracle and we all deserve to be loved and cherished. There should be no room for hote or prejudice directed at any person or group. Instead, let us ensure through our words and deeds that we are on the side of love. May peace, love and joy surround us and may we be thankful this year and every year for what we have been given.
Amen, Blessed Be, Namaste, Ameen
Another Tragedy
Ar the end of a fun day, at a local festival, the annual Gilroy Garlic Festival, tragedy struck by the hands of a gunman. This was not in some far away place, but in our own backyard. How do we once again mourn the loss of children, young people, along with a multitude of wounded? Sending thoughts and prayers is good, but not enough. Not enough to truly assuage the grief of the loved ones. May we find a way for people of all stripes, all beliefs, to come together to help prevent another such tragedy.
SiVIC Condemns the Terrorist Attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand
SiVIC lends its voice to those faith and interfaith groups around the world in condemning the horrific attacks on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. It is up to all of us to show our support to all of those affected in this terrorist tragedy. For those who wish to take some action, consider going with a group to a mosque to hold space around the building and be a visible supporter of interfaith relations.
Of course, let them know you would like to do this…
And from Fred Fielding, Global Council Trustee, North America Leadership Council member, United Religions Initiative
Greetings of sorrow but hope for peace,
I received this request from Valerie Kaur and the Revolutionary Love Project. It is a request for support of the victims of the terrorist attack in New Zealand, and for our Muslim and Sikh communities in the U.S. as they worship this weekend.
Please share this with your organizations and communities as soon as possible. Gathering messages of support in these first hours can help bring a sense of comfort as communities gather.
We can show that where one or two people bring violence and hatred, thousands upon thousands bring love and peace.
Thank you,
California Wildfires and How to Help
Northern and Southern California have been ravaged by wildfires and many of us want to help. Here are some of the places where you can donate directly to help those in need:
American Red Cross – Choose California Wildfires from the I Want to Support pull down list
California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Relief Fund
Enloe Medical Center (near the Camp Fire and acting as the site for multiple evacuation centers)
The Humane Society of Ventura County
Our hearts are broken at the destruction and the loss of life from these fires. We thank all those who have put their lives in harm’s way to fight the fires, rescue those in peril, and tend those who have been hurt and have lost all their possessions. SiVIC sends our prayers and condolences to all affected.
Response to the horrific shootings in Pittsburgh
I leave it to the Rev. Victor H. Kazanjian of URI, who provided a beautiful response to the devastating event in Pittsburgh on October 27, 2018. May peace be with all those affected and all of us who are trying to understand how this keeps happening… Rev. Joy-Ellen Lipsky, SiVIC Board Chair
Our hearts break with the news of the attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, USA. We weep for the families and friends of the victims. And we stand in love and solidarity with our Jewish sisters and brothers in the face of this horrific act of anti-Semitic violence. The United Religions Initiative global community condemns this act of hate. In our Charter we state that “We value voices that respect others, and believe that sharing our values and wisdom can lead us to act for the good of all.” In a climate in which the violence of vitriolic and hate-filled speech is becoming normalized, acts of violence born of prejudice are the direct result of such dehumanizing rhetoric and the division that it creates. Today’s violence reminds us of the urgency of our work to confront prejudice and counter hate, as we create cultures of peace, justice and healing in our communities and in our world.
In peace…
The Rev. Victor H. Kazanjian Jr.
Executive Director
United Religions Initiative