Compassion Games 2017

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The 2017 Compassion Games will again take place Saturday, September 9 thru Sunday, September 24. The Compassion Games calls all people from all sectors and all parts of our world to share the vision of justice and equality, and collaborate to create a more connected, caring community. The Global Unity Games include the National Day of Service and Remembrance and the International Day of Peace.

SiVIC is participating in “Global Unity Games – Building Bridges” of Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest Coopetition. We urge you to play the games and inspire your friends to play to make our community a safer, kinder, more just, and better place to live!

To learn how to Play: Click here:

To participate in the various Events and Activities, Click Here or this Event link

To Report that compassionate act by clicking this link. Enter “Compassionate Silicon Valley” in Team Name. Alternatively, email the report to

For an introduction to the Compassion Games, go to

For more on the Charter, see:

SiVIC’s Campaign for Compassion: (For more info: Click Here: )

At Last year’s games, we set the goal to join the Compassionate Community campaign. On April 25, 2017, the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County voted unanimously to affirm the Charter for Compassion and join the Compassionate Communities Campaign.

The goal for the coming period is have several Cities in the county to affirm and adopt the Charter For Compassion. You are invited to participate in this effort by signing this petition.