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Visit with students from India
July 16, 2015 @ 11:30 am - 5:00 pm
A group of twelve students from India (ages 18 to 24) will be visiting several cities in the USA this Summer as part of a trip organized by JAINA, the Federation of Jain Associations in North America, an umbrella organization that preserves and shares Jain Dharma and the Jain Way of Life.
SiVIC and the Jain Center of Northern California invite local residents, especially young people, to join these young people for a program and vegetarian lunch at the Jain Center in Milpitas. The program will include time for participants to say a few words about their activities in the Interreligious/ interfaith arena.
RSVP to Girish Shah at girish.shah@sivicouncil.org to ensure adequate food for the lunch.
Please extend this invitation to youth and young adults in your own community.