November 2015
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service- Palo Alto
Annual Palo Alto Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Sponsored by Faith Leaders of Palo Alto The Blessing of Water: Balancing God’s Gift and Our Responsibility Featuring: Gordon Stewart Peninsula Trombone Choir Storytellers - Tom and Sandy Farley Leaders from the Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu Faith Communities Dancers from a variety of cultures For more information contact: Rev. Margaret Boles - mbolescovenant@gmail.com Rabbi Shelley Lewis - shellyj.lewis@gmail.com
Find out more »January 2016
Palo Alto Faith Leaders Luncheon
Palo Alto Faith Leaders are invited to a brown-bag lunch gathering at First Baptist Church of Palo Alto. Our host will be The Rev. Rick Mixon. Please let him know if you will be able to attend so that he can ensure that there is adequate seating and drinks. This will be an opportunity for us to check in with each other as we begin a new year. We can schedule additional times to gather in the year ahead and…
Find out more »April 2016
Palo Alto Faith Leaders
The next gathering of the Palo Alto Faith Leaders will be at Project WeHOPE in East Palo Alto. This is an excellent opportunity for all of us to learn more about the amazing and life-giving work that happens at Project WeHOPE. The mission of Project WeHOPE is to help the unhoused, homeless and those at-risk in rebuilding their lives through a customized Supportive Housing Program customized to the needs of each client. Project WeHOPE is an acronym for We Help…
Find out more »May 2016
Palo Alto Faith Leaders
Habitat for Humanity of the East Bay/Silicon Valley will do a special presentation for the Palo Alto Faith Leaders group. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Penny Barrett will be the host. The presentation will include opportunities for faith communities to contribute to building and rehabbing/repair projects in the area and ways that faith communities might use their property to facilitate the building of affordable housing.
Find out more »June 2016
A Night of Hope
June 17 will be one year since the tragic shooting at Mother Emmanuel AME Church. On that fateful evening nine innocent people were gunned down in a house of worship because of the color of their skin. The Palo Alto community will gather together to remember this tragedy and pray for the future of race relations in our country. This moment of remembrance and hope is open to all faith communities. When we talk about race, I wish I could…
Find out more »November 2016
Palo Alto MultiFaith Thanksgiving Celebration
Gathering our Diverse Community for Thanksgiving and Healing – where Love is never-ending! Keynote Speaker- Rev. Floyd Thompkins, Director of the Center for Innovation in Ministry, San Francisco Theological Seminary. One of the most influential thinkers and creative doers in the entire Christian community. Call to Prayer from Our Many Faith Traditions; Dance, Music, Choir and Refreshments; Children are Welcome! A gratitude collection will be given to a local and global charity. For more information contact: Rev. Margaret Boles semfemmb@aol.com…
Find out more »August 2017
Faith Leaders Brown Bag Luncheon
We will gather for a Palo Alto faith leaders brown bag luncheon on Thursday, August 31 at noon. Our host will be Rick Mixon, pastor of First Baptist Church of Palo Alto, 305 N. California Avenue, 94301. Please let Rick know if you’re planning to attend -- RRMixon@aol.com. Peace be with you, Eileen
Find out more »November 2017
Annual Community Thanksgiving Gathering
Coming together in gratitude Lifting our voices in hope! Join your neighbors and friends... ...as we share stories, music, prayers and dance!
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