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Santa Teresa Parish

(408) 629-7777|http://santateresachurch.com/

November 2016

Open House: Santa Teresa Parish

November 16, 2016 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Santa Teresa Parish, 794 Calero Ave
San Jose, CA 95123 United States
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Christian Cross

Have you ever wondered what Catholics believe and do? Santa Teresa Parish would like to welcome you to an Open House that will feature a talk about Catholicism and a chance to meet and talk with Catholics in our community 7:00 pm - approximately 7:40: presentation about Catholicism 7:40 pm: Q & A 8:00 pm: one-on-one conversation with Catholics and others in attendance

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December 2016

Learn About Baha’i

December 7, 2016 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Santa Teresa Parish, 794 Calero Ave
San Jose, CA 95123 United States
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Santa Teresa Inter-Faith Committee Invites you to come and learn about the Bahá'í Faith Our Speaker will be Summer Henderson. The Bahá’í Faith began with the mission entrusted by God to two Divine Messengers—the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh in Persia. The Báb, the Herald of the Bahá’í Faith, appeared in the middle of the 19th century, announcing a second messenger to come. Bahá’u’lláh—the “Glory of God”—is the Promised One foretold by the Báb and all of the Divine Messengers of the past.…

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January 2017

Meet a Mormon

January 18, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Santa Teresa Parish, 794 Calero Ave
San Jose, CA 95123 United States
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multifaith symbols

Santa Teresa SAM’S Inter-Faith Committee invites you to come and meet a Mormon. Our Speaker, Garth Pickett  has invited members of the Mormon Community to come and share their faith with us this evening. Avila Hall  

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March 2017

Interfaith Passover Unity Seder

March 22, 2017 @ 6:30 pm
Santa Teresa Parish, 794 Calero Ave
San Jose, CA 95123 United States
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Abrahamic Traditions

Led by Rabbi Laurie Hahn Tapper and Father George Aranha, this interfaith celebration of a Passover Seder will include Jewish, Christian and Muslim participants. Members of other Faith traditions are welcome, as well. RSVP by March 20 to Carol Rossi, 408-264-9786 or rossitwo@sbcglobal.net Questions: contact diane@jvalley.org or call 408-357-7504 Unity Seder Flyer

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April 2017

Film Premiere: St. Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt

April 23, 2017 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Santa Teresa Parish, 794 Calero Ave
San Jose, CA 95123 United States
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During the Crusades, Saint Francis of Assisi risked his life by walking across enemy lines to meet the Sultan of Egypt, the Muslim ruler Al-Malik al-Kamil. This remarkable encounter, and the commitment to peace of the two men behind it, sucked the venom out of the Crusades and changed the relationship between Muslims and Christians for the better. Featuring dramatic reenactments and renowned scholarship, this amazing story is brought to life in "The Sultan and the Saint." Scholars interviewed include…

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September 2020

Forum Series on Racism – Open Wide Your Hearts – By Santa Teresa Church

September 23, 2020 @ 6:45 pm - September 30, 2020 @ 8:30 pm
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Two session series
CA United States

Observing the unprecedented level of protests demanding racial equality, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, Santa Teresa Church is calling all Catholic Christians and especially, our parishioners, to educate ourselves about racism. Our parish will be offering an program via Zoom, based on the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops’ Document – “Open Wide Your Hearts” addressing racism and the need to eliminate it. Each session will be about 90-minutes and offer opportunities to learn, ask questions,…

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