Celebrating International Women’s Day 2017 with Supervisor Cindy Chavez

International Women’s Day is coming up on March 8th.
Please save the date and join us for a great speaker, supervisor Cindy Chavez, as well as opportunities to connect /network with others, great food, and a location with plenty of free parking.
Come join Silicon Valley United Nations Association and Pacifica Institute and find out how you too can help to make the world a better place for everyone.
Register at Eventbrite.

Human Trafficking: Cindy Chavez

County Supervisor Cindy Chavez hit the ground running as soon as she was elected in July 2013. She immediately initiated efforts to:

  • Improve county government transparency by regulating lobbyists
  • Combating the scourge of human trafficking with a commission she co-chairs with the Sheriff and District Attorney
  • Improving public transportation.

Her public service career has been about putting people and their neighborhoods first, making lives better through innovative, visionary and thoughtful policies. She represents Central, South and East San Jose, a district that is a microcosm of the ethnic and economic diversity of Santa Clara County. She chairs the Board’s Children, families and Seniors Committee and serves on the Public Safety and Justice Committee.

Before election to the Board of Supervisors, she led the nonprofit social justice organization Working Partnerships USA, which led the community campaign to raise San Jose’s minimum wage.

During her two terms on the San Jose City Council – including two years as Vice Mayor – she helped win City funding for the Children’s Health Initiative, which made our county the first in the nation to ensure health coverage to virtually every child who lives here.

Cindy lives in downtown San Jose with her husband and son.

Dinner will be served. Please RSVP to pacificasv.org/rsvp/