Multifaith Service of Concern and Commitment

On this evening prior to the presidential inauguration, we will come together — across many religious and spiritual traditions — to voice our concerns and fears about the coming four years in our country, to pray for strength and wisdom for the years ahead, and to commit together to act for justice, compassion and equality for the American society and the world. We will share music, readings, prayers, silence and insights to offer guidance, inspiration and courage, and to strengthen the bounds of our beautiful diverse community.

People of all faith traditions and those of no particular faith are all welcome.

More information coming soon!

Protect Our Community

Unity Gathering at San Jose City Hall

Share a flyer: Unity Gathering Flyer

Come and express our values of unity and common cause. With civility and steadfastness, we join together now, as we will continue to do, in an ongoing and persistent advancement of our principles.

Come and add your treasured principles to this initial list. Sign up to continue the work in one of the areas where your voice is most needed.

To protect our community, the below organizations believe that:

  • Undocumented immigrants and the
    Dreamers must be protected
  • Hate crimes will not be tolerated
  • Constitutional rights must be protected
  • Affordable healthcare must be maintained
  • Climate progress and environmental justice
    must be advanced

Affordable Housing Network of Santa Clara County, African American Community Service Agency, Asian Law Alliance, CAIR, California Alliance of African American Educators, CHAM Deliverance Ministry, Coalition for Justice and Accountability, Human Agenda, Jewish Community Relations Council,  Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley, Latinos United for a New America (LUNA), MOSAIC CrossCultural Center SJSU, Move to Amend (MTA) of Santa Clara County, People Acting in Community Together (PACT), Sacred Heart Community Service, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, San Jose/Silicon Valley NAACP, Services Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN), Silicon Valley DeBug, Ujima Adult and Family Services, SJSU Human Rights Program, Working Partnerships USA

After the election- a recommitment

The purpose of Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC) is to build interreligious harmony and understanding so as to promote a just and compassionate society in Silicon Valley.

In light of that purpose, we have been concerned over the past months with campaign rhetoric and candidate statements that seemed intended to inflame differences between Americans of differing backgrounds, religions, ethnicity, social and economic status. These have particularly singled out Muslims and immigrant people as targets for suspicion and hostility, but have also disrespected women and given rise to increased acts of antisemitism and violence.

Following the election, guided by our code of conduct, we recommit ourselves to the never-ending task of strengthening connections between diverse people, nurturing respect and understanding across boundaries that might seek to separate us from each other, and defending freedom of religious belief and practice for all.

St. Thomas of Canterbury Speaker Series

Please join us for a Fall Speaker Series at St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Church.
Speaker: Fr. Dave Mercer, Pastor

The scheduled sessions are:

  • September 20 – Can a Catholic be a Democrat?  Can a Catholic be a Republican?
  • October 18 – Polarized Politics: How does one decide how to vote on November 8?
  • November 15 – Remaining Catholic when what we read about the Church seems only to be negative?
  • December 20 – Pope Francis and how he is influencing the Church

For further information, please contact Fr. Dave Mercer at or call 408-378-1595.

Faith and the Elections

Interfaith Meditation/Prayers for the 2016 Elections
Hope and Prayer in a time of Polarized Politics

We invite you to gather with us in a safe, multi-sensory space for processing our responses during this election season, sharing interfaith prayers/meditations for peace, contemplative music and chant, meditative silence, and opportunities for creative expression through art and journaling.

All are welcome! Come for all or part of the time, if traffic or work makes you late.

For more information or questions, contact the Rev. Wilma Jakobsen: