SiVIC Forum: Faith and Environment

Thanks to our panel at the SiVIC Forum on Sunday, January 14 at the Center for Spiritual Living. The panel was part of the ING Interfaith Speakers Bureau, and did a wonderful job of describing how each of their traditions encourage care for the world and ecological awareness. The panel included Henry Cornbleet (Jewish), Joy Aspenall (Christian), Azmat Tanauli (Muslim) and Madhu Kopalle (Hindu) along with moderator Kate Chance.

Panel for Environment and Religion

Protect Our Community

Unity Gathering at San Jose City Hall

Share a flyer: Unity Gathering Flyer

Come and express our values of unity and common cause. With civility and steadfastness, we join together now, as we will continue to do, in an ongoing and persistent advancement of our principles.

Come and add your treasured principles to this initial list. Sign up to continue the work in one of the areas where your voice is most needed.

To protect our community, the below organizations believe that:

  • Undocumented immigrants and the
    Dreamers must be protected
  • Hate crimes will not be tolerated
  • Constitutional rights must be protected
  • Affordable healthcare must be maintained
  • Climate progress and environmental justice
    must be advanced

Affordable Housing Network of Santa Clara County, African American Community Service Agency, Asian Law Alliance, CAIR, California Alliance of African American Educators, CHAM Deliverance Ministry, Coalition for Justice and Accountability, Human Agenda, Jewish Community Relations Council,  Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley, Latinos United for a New America (LUNA), MOSAIC CrossCultural Center SJSU, Move to Amend (MTA) of Santa Clara County, People Acting in Community Together (PACT), Sacred Heart Community Service, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, San Jose/Silicon Valley NAACP, Services Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN), Silicon Valley DeBug, Ujima Adult and Family Services, SJSU Human Rights Program, Working Partnerships USA

What Is at Stake for Environmental Justice in 2016?

What Is at Stake for Environmental Justice in 2016? The Elusive Role of Race and Equity in Environmental Regulation

Panel: Tseming Yang, Christopher Bacon

Almost 35 years have passed since protests in Warren County, NC against the siting of a toxic waste disposal facility in a predominantly African-American community trained nationwide attention on the emerging environmental justice movement.

Even as the term of the country’s first African -American President comes to an end, however, the goal of environmental justice remains unfulfilled.  The talk will review the history of the movement, how it has changed perspectives on the role of race and equity in environmentalism and regulatory policy, and some of the remaining key challenges that face the next Administration.


Climate Summit for Faith Communities- San Jose

COP21 in Paris, and Beyond…
What You Can Do to Make Our Planet Safer for Our Future

Are you one of the 2/3 of all Americans who are very concerned about climate change and now recognize that humans, and our burning of fossil fuels, are the major cause of global warming?

Are you the member of a group and would you like to get your congregation, your school, your community organization, your social or climate justice group, your fellow workers, to more fully embrace the climate change action movement and the move to renewable energy?

If you answered “Yes” to these questions, then please come (representing your group) to one of our Fall 2015 Climate Workshops to get an update on climate change and the global climate movement. We’ll provide a complete Climate Action Toolkit for you to use with your organization to get them excited, engaged, and mobilized.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 21, for the Northern California Climate Mobilization (see for details)..this could be the largest outpouring of support for climate action now in Northern California, right before COP21 in Paris.

More info and registration at

Climate Summit for Faith Communities- Palo Alto

COP21 in Paris, and Beyond…
What You Can Do to Make Our Planet Safer for Our Future

Are you one of the 2/3 of all Americans who are very concerned about climate change and now recognize that humans, and our burning of fossil fuels, are the major cause of global warming?

Are you the member of a group and would you like to get your congregation, your school, your community organization, your social or climate justice group, your fellow workers, to more fully embrace the climate change action movement and the move to renewable energy?

If you answered “Yes” to these questions, then please come (representing your group) to one of our Fall 2015 Climate Workshops to get an update on climate change and the global climate movement. We’ll provide a complete Climate Action Toolkit for you to use with your organization to get them excited, engaged, and mobilized.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 21, for the Northern California Climate Mobilization (see for details)..this could be the largest outpouring of support for climate action now in Northern California, right before COP21 in Paris.

Info and registration at