Congreso del Pueblo/ People’s Congress

Please join a People’s Congress with the Catholic community in San Jose, together with people directly affected by anti-immigrant policies.

The plan is to brainstorm features of a just society and draft up principles for moving that vision forward.

It is being organized by Fr. Jon Pedigo, and he has opened the gathering to anyone interested.  Muslims and Jews will share Qur’an and Torah teachings along with the Catholic teachings that will lift up our common cause.

The meeting will be bilingual in Spanish and English.

Radical Grace Film

“Radical Grace” is a documentary about U.S. nuns who were reprimanded by the Vatican for their “radical feminism.” Be captured by this story of three fearless nuns who risk their place in the Church to follow another higher calling: social justice.

One sister takes on Church patriarchy, another finds hope in the former prisoners she counsels, and the third launches a cross-country Nuns on the Bus tour, leveraging her newfound fame to spotlight social needs. These sisters “bring humor and down-to-earth grit to an epic battle for justice, equality and the dignity of women” (Gene Siskel Film Center).

Following their struggles through the election of Pope Francis, Radical Grace captures a period of dramatic transformation as the Catholic Church grapples with the modern word.

SJSU students, faculty and community members will be inspired and challenged by the message of these brave nuns that question authority, seek equality, while illustrating that social justice and spirituality are inseparably linked.

Discussion will follow. All are welcome!