Beloved Community Dialogue & Action: Safe City for All!

Beloved Community Dialogue & Action on Police Transparency & Accountability.
– Get informed!
– Give input!
– Make change!

Join community members, faith leaders, San Jose Police Chief Garcia, new Independent Police Auditor Aaron Zisser, and City Councilmembers.

We’re working to expand independent oversight to increase safety and justice for all!

Beloved Community Dialogue & Action

Join community members, faith leaders, law enforcement officials and elected officials to pledge to “Protect & Serve” our community so that Black Lives Matter and to stop the criminalization of African American, Latino, Muslim and immigrant community members.

The structured program will include small group dialogue followed by questions of commitment for public officials about:

  • Increasing oversight of the San Jose Police Dept, and
  • Establishing oversight of the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office

We need strong independent oversight for transparency and accountability that is essential for building trust and protecting safety and justice for community members and law enforcement officials.

We need your voice and your listening to build a shared commitment for justice and shape policy for our community in San Jose and Santa Clara County.

Mayor Sam Liccardo, City Councilmembers Magdalena Carrasco, Chappie Jones and Raul Peralez, SJPD Chief Eddie Garcia and Supervisor Simitian are confirmed to attend.

Beloved Community Dialogue

Join us for the Most Important Beloved Community Dialogue to Date!

With community members, law enforcement officials, elected officials and faith leaders We need your voice and your listening to build relationships, increase trust, and impact policy for our community in San Jose and Santa Clara County.

Body Worn Cameras: All SJPD officers will soon have cameras, and more law enforcement agencies, locally and nationally, are moving in this direction, too.

  • What community concerns and fears do law-enforcement officials need to understand?
  • What law-enforcement issues should community members be aware of?
  • What should be included in the camera policy to improve safety, justice, and trust?

Sponsored by: Bible Way Christian Center, Congregation Shir Hadash, Diocese of San Jose, Emmanuel Baptist Church, First Unitarian Church of San Jose, Good Samaritan and St. Paul’s United Methodist Churches, St. James AME Church, Westminster Presbyterian Church, SJ/SV NAACP, PACT: People Acting in Community Together