How do racial profiling and unconscious bias affect you and our community?
Join us for:
- Testimonies from community members
- Dialogue to build understanding across different experiences of diverse community members and law enforcement officials
- Report back: results from our work with Mayor Liccardo and SJPD
Join our Santa Clara County Movement! Guided by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’ s principles of love and justice and responding to events in Ferguson, New York, North Carolina, Baltimore and our own community, faith leaders are bringing together community members, law enforcement officials, and elected officials to unite for the shared goals of safety, trust and justice for all.
SPONSORS: Bible Way Christian Center, Congregation Shir Hadash, Diocese of San Jose, Emmanuel Baptist Church, First Unitarian Church of San Jose, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Westminster Presbyterian Church, St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church, SJ/SV NAACP, PACT: People Acting in Community Together