Interfaith Gala Dessert Reception for Yezidi Relief

Interfaith Gala Dessert Reception to help Yezidis facing genocide

Our Gala honors Rev. Victor Kazanjian, Jr., United Religions Initiative; Rabbi Marvin Goodman, Board of Rabbis of Northern California; and Fatih Ates, Pacifica Instititue.

Keynote speaker: Salem Daoud, head Yezidi religious leader for the United States and Canada. This is a benefit for the Beyond Genocide Campaign helping Yezidis facing genocide in Iraq.

Jewish and Muslim dietary laws will be observed.

Contact: Rabbi Pamela

SiVIC Forum: Universal Love, Service and Interfaith

Speaker: Sai Prasad Venkatachalam

Violence has forced over 65 million people away from their homes in the past few years. This is the largest number of refugees that mankind has ever witnessed – in recorded history! During his  travels to Turkey and Jordan, Sai Prasad came across hundreds of people that were affected. He was totally transformed after meeting and spending time with the refugees and their children. As a result, he decided to dedicate his life to alleviate the sufferings of people to the best of his abilities. His objective is to ‘Love ALL & Serve ALL’ and to advocate the same to humanity by living these ideals.

The Diary of Anne Frank

A staged reading adapted by Wendy Kesselman; Directed by Rachael Campbell

The Diary of Anne Frank is the first introduction to what can happen when help does not come fast enough.

This is a benefit performance in support of the Syrian refugees. All proceeds will be given to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).

The UNHCR was created in 1950, during the aftermath of the Second World War, to help millions of Europeans who had fled or lost their homes. They had three years to complete their work and then disband. Today, over 66 years later, their organization is still hard at work, protecting and assisting refugees around the world.

Register at after June 4, 2017

Refugee Iftar Dinner

World Refugee Day

Please join us for an iftar dinner experience as we observe the holy month of Ramadan and help create a peaceful society by building new relationships.

Please RSVP by June 19 at

Sponsored by Pacifica Institute, SiVIC, Embrace Relief, American Red Cross, Santa Clara County, Refugee and Immigrant Forum of Santa Clara County, United Nations Association

Refugee Iftar

“We Are One” Vigil/ Rally

Compassionate Fremont and Tri-City Interfaith Council have decided to sponsor a Vigil and Rally on the fourth Thursday of each month.

We request that signs be compassionate, respectful, and non-partisan.

Join us as we stand up for PEACE

  • We stand in support of a peaceful and just world.
  • We oppose recent confrontational and violent actions that may promote war.
  • We believe peace can be achieved through diplomacy, cooperation, and collaboration with the international community.
  • We believe in non-violence.

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“We Are One” Vigil/ Rally

Join Us As We Stand Up for The Earth, Our Common Home

We stand in opposition to dismantling the EPA rules, and allowing corporate polluters to profit at the expense of the health and safety of human life and the natural world. As stewards of the earth, we call upon our leaders, and all people, to accept the reality of climate change  and the responsibility for the sustainability of the environment.

We request that signs be compassionate, respectful, and non-partisan.

Compassionate Fremont and Tri-City Interfaith Council have decided to sponsor a Vigil and Rally on the fourth Thursday of each month.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke 1729-1797

Yom HaShoah: Community Holocaust Remembrance Day

From Kindertransport to the Refugees of 2017

Congregation Shir Hadash is proud to host the Community Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial) Service on Sunday April 23rd. The program will begin at 6:30 pm with a presentation by Eric Kay who, as a child, was rescued by the Kindertransport. There will be a slide show of art work and poetry by students from Fisher Middle School, the Harker School, St. Andrews, St. Mary’s, Yavneh, Granada School and the Congregational Religious Schools. Finally Rabbi Jennie Rosenn, Vice President of HIAS will be with us to offer reflections on the current situation and a viewing of segments of their film “Refugee Children”.

A Yom HaShoah memorial service will follow with the lighting of candles by survivors and Second and Third Generation families and the participation of the community’s rabbis.

This program will be especially meaningful to adults and children in middle school and high school. The entire community is welcome so please invite your friends and neighbors.

South Bay CROP Hunger Walk

Join us on April 23rd for our annual South Bay CROP Hunger Walk, sponsored by Church World Service (CWS)! With its inception in 1969, CROP Hunger Walks are viewed by many as the granddaddy of charity walks. The walk’s legacy is deeply entrenched even in our own community; since 1993, our community has raised over $1.2 million through 70+ local groups. We walk to respond to resource shortages, to protect and provide for our vulnerable, to build sustainable community, and to show solidarity in a time of divisiveness. We choose to walk so that others don’t have to.

Why do we walk each year? We know that by bringing food to families in times of scarcity and by bringing water to communities in times of drought, we are helping people both in our own community and around the world reclaim their livelihoods so they aren’t forced to look elsewhere. On CWS’s side of things, the need is greater than ever this year to stand together as we seek to preempt the extreme situations that prevent displacement and refugee status. Given the current climate, we are attentive that we may need to increase capacity of resources in refugee camps/services so that food, water and shelter can continue to be safely and sustainably provided to those who are vulnerable. CROP walks are an incredibly meaningful outlet to providing these resources (and the flexibility to respond), with symbolism in the walk itself at a time when an unprecedented number of people do, indeed, have to walk for resources and safety. There is power in a walk.

“We Are One” Vigil/ Rally

We are committed to a moral vision of healthcare that offers health, wholeness, and human dignity for all. Health care is not a luxury for some, but a right for all.

Compassionate Fremont and Tri-City Interfaith Council have decided to sponsor a Vigil and Rally on the fourth Thursday of each month.
Our theme will again be “We Are One,” focusing on the unjust orders that affect immigrants and refugees. This month we will go directly to the corner and stand as witnesses to our solidarity with our vulnerable brothers and sisters.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke 1729-1797