“We Are One” Vigil/ Rally

We believe the new orders affecting immigrants & refugees are counter to our American values. Join us as we stand in solidarity with our vulnerable brothers & sisters. Peaceful, compassionate signs are welcome.

Compassionate Fremont and Tri-City Interfaith Council have decided to sponsor a Vigil and Rally on the fourth Thursday of each month.
Our theme will again be “We Are One,” focusing on the unjust orders that affect immigrants and refugees. This month we will go directly to the corner and stand as witnesses to our solidarity with our vulnerable brothers and sisters.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke 1729-1797

Refugee iftar dinner

Keynote Speaker: Dave Cortese, Santa Clara County Supervisor.

Please join us for an iftar dinner experience as we observe the holy month of Ramadan and help create a peaceful society by building new relationships.

RSVP at Eventbrite

24th Annual World Refugee Day

You’re invited to this free public event with presentations, food, entertainment, children’s activities,
community resources, & raffle prizes. This event, first recognized by the United Nations, highlights the plight and contributions of the millions of refugees all over the world. World Refugee Day events recognize the positive impact of refugees, and promote understanding of the reasons people seek sanctuary and how they integrate into their new communities through arts, culture and education. Refugees in Santa Clara County are from many regions of the world, including Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and are part of the region’s diversity. The Santa Clara County refugee population include asylum seekers, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, unaccompanied undocumented children and victims of work slavery and sexual and gender based violence. Many refugees lived in camps for decades, where they were deprived of basic human rights, including the freedom of movement and access to adequate medical care.

Sponsors: Santa Clara County Social Services Agency, Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations, Refugee & Immigrant Forum of Santa Clara County (RIF), American Red Cross Silicon Valley ChapterAsian Americans for Community Involvement, Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, International Rescue Committee, PARS Equality Center, Presbytery of San Jose

Traditional attire encouraged. Come Join Us. Planning Committee seeks volunteers.
Contact svuna2012@gmail.com

Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Dear Friends,

The season is upon us, with Thanksgiving just around the corner. Pacifica Institute would like to invite you and yours to the Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner. In an effort to provide more ways to give thanks for the many blessings surrounding us, we encourage one and all to join the blanket drive arranged by Embrace Relief (embracerelief.org) for the benefit of Syrian refugees.

If you would like to donate, please either donate directly to Embrace Relief on their website, or make a check payable to Embrace Relief. Pacifica Institute will pass on the collected donation checks. Please take note that Pacifica Institute will not collect any cash donations. Blankets cost $10/each.

Due to the difficulties and cost of storing blankets and shipping them, tangible blankets are not being collected at this time.

Admission is free, however RSVP is required at rsvp@pacificasv.org.

Yearning to Breathe Free: The Response to Today’s Refugee Crisis

Featuring Riva Silverman, Vice President at HIAS and Winnie Gacheru, Director at HIAS Kenya

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) hosts a presentation on the refugee crisis.  Winnie Gacheru, Director as HIAS Kenya, and Riva Silverman, Vice President at HIAS, will speak.  The refugee crisis is worse today than at any time since WWII.  Conflict and persecution is driving millions from their homes, leaving them stateless and vulnerable.  Winnie and Riva will provide a framework for understanding today’s global refugee crisis and effective ways to respond to the needs of refugees.  The program is free and open to the public.

Join us to hear about a framework for understanding today’s global refugee crisis and an effective way to respond to the needs of refugees domestically and internationally. In particular with victims of sexual, gender-based, and faith-based violence and others who have suffered from violent oppression in Seria, Iraq, Kenya and Uganda. We will share stories of challenge and hope reflective of the work we do with some of the world’s most vulnerable refugees.

Free tickets are available at www.jvalley.org/. Info: diane@jvalley.org

Co-sponsored by the Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley, Hillel @Stanford, Congregation Kol Emeth, Congregation Shir Hadash, Congregation Beth Am, Congregation Sinai, Hadassah, Hindu American Foundation and Silicon Valley Interreligious Council.