Ramadan Iftars

The Holy month of Ramadan, which is starting on June 18th this year, is a very special time for Muslims. During this 29 – 30 day period, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk after which time the fast is broken with a feast called ‘Iftar’.

We have set aside a few nights that month to share Ramadan with our special friends and were hoping you and your family, colleagues and their families from your office could join us for Iftar at Pacifica Institute, 1257 Tasman Drive, Suite B, Sunnyvale.

Dinner is served at sunset which is around 8:30 PM during the summer. The dates we’ve chosen are:

  •           Tuesday, June 23rd
  •           Tuesday, June 30th
  •           Tuesday, July 7th
  •           Tuesday, July 14th

Please let us know as soon as possible which of these dates works best and how many people will be joining us.  Please RSVP at:  http://pacificasv.org/rsvp

A Blessed Ramadan!

Ramadan_moon-A blessed Ramadan to all the Muslim communities in our area! During this sacred month of fasting, prayer, and acts of compassion and generosity, many local groups are inviting friends and neighbors to join them to break the fast with an iftar meal. If you’ve wanted to learn more about Islam, or just want to get to know your Muslim neighbors better, this is the perfect time.

Check our calendar for upcoming Ramadan events. Among those sponsoring iftar dinners are:

  • Pacifica Institute in Sunnyvale, on June 23 & 30 and July 7 & 14 (details); beginning with a special session on “The Path to Peace through Interfaith Dialogue
  • Muslim Community Association in Santa Clara, on June 27 (details)
  • Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Milpitas, on June 27 (details)
  • Pacifica Institute and Peninsula Temple Beth El in San Mateo, on June 28 (details)
  • West Valley Muslim Association in Saratoga, on July 10 (details)