SiVIC Board Chair Rev. D. Andrew Kille spoke at the Pacifica Institute on March 4, 2015. The title of his talk was “Tolerance, Respect, and Pluralism: Changing Relationships in a “Multi-“ World.” The full text of his presentation, including the “Dialogue Decalogue” developed by Leondard Swidler, is available on the Pacifica Institute website.
Tag Archives: tolerance
Tolerance, Respect, and Pluralism: Changing Relationships in a “Multi” World
Tolerance of those whose beliefs, practices, or customs differ from one’s own is a minimum requirement for living in the contemporary world, as it becomes increasingly multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-ethnic, and multi-you-name-it. What might be necessary to move beyond tolerance to mutual respect, and how might that move change our understandings of community in a pluralistic context? The Pacifica Institute Speakers Series presents Rev. D. Andrew Kille, Chair of the Silicon Valley Interreligious Council, speaking on “Tolerance, Respect, and Pluralism.”
Free admission; dinner will be served. Please RSVP at