WE ARE ONE Vigil / Rally

We gather to stand in solidarity with one another and to celebrate our diversity, as well as our unity.

We believe in equality, liberty, and justice for all.

You are welcome to bring signs that express your concerns. We request that signs be peaceful, compassionate, and non-partisan.

“We are of course a nation of differences. Those differences don’t make us weak. They’re the source of our strength.” – Jimmy Carter

Bay Area Joint Statement Against Hate

Residents of the San Francisco Bay Area benefit from both individuals and institutions whose faith motivates them to provide food to the hungry, shelter to the needy, inexpensive or free health care, and other humanitarian services.

Our history includes episodes of injustice and harmful conduct based on ethnicity, race, and nationality, but also a strong history of opposing bigotry and embracing all people of good conscience. We also value our history of embracing individuals’ right to practice the faith tradition of their choice.

While some isolated individuals in our community may sometimes hold events designed to foster hatred and fear, those involved in legally expressing their political opinions must enjoy the protection of our nation’s laws. However, we similarly exercise our speech rights to reject and marginalize hate speech and attempts to divide our communities.

Islamic societies, organizations, places of worship, and communities enrich and benefit the spiritual, moral and cultural life of our community. We find abhorrent all forms of discrimination, including those forms of discrimination targeting religion or belief. We oppose any expression of bigotry towards Muslims with the equal moral, legal and practical force that we oppose other forms of discrimination.

We find abhorrent all forms of discrimination, including those forms of discrimination targeting religion or belief. We oppose any expression of bigotry towards Muslims with the same full moral, legal and practical force that we oppose other forms of discrimination.

Silicon Valley Interreligious Council
Together with dozens of local religious and community groups

See Facebook for updates

Protect Our Community

Unity Gathering at San Jose City Hall

Share a flyer: Unity Gathering Flyer

Come and express our values of unity and common cause. With civility and steadfastness, we join together now, as we will continue to do, in an ongoing and persistent advancement of our principles.

Come and add your treasured principles to this initial list. Sign up to continue the work in one of the areas where your voice is most needed.

To protect our community, the below organizations believe that:

  • Undocumented immigrants and the
    Dreamers must be protected
  • Hate crimes will not be tolerated
  • Constitutional rights must be protected
  • Affordable healthcare must be maintained
  • Climate progress and environmental justice
    must be advanced

Affordable Housing Network of Santa Clara County, African American Community Service Agency, Asian Law Alliance, CAIR, California Alliance of African American Educators, CHAM Deliverance Ministry, Coalition for Justice and Accountability, Human Agenda, Jewish Community Relations Council,  Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley, Latinos United for a New America (LUNA), MOSAIC CrossCultural Center SJSU, Move to Amend (MTA) of Santa Clara County, People Acting in Community Together (PACT), Sacred Heart Community Service, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, San Jose/Silicon Valley NAACP, Services Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN), Silicon Valley DeBug, Ujima Adult and Family Services, SJSU Human Rights Program, Working Partnerships USA

Interreligious Leaders Forum: The Beloved Community

Beloved Community Movement

As the Black Lives Matter movement was gaining momentum across the U.S., PACT‘s multi faith and multi racial clergy group was reading Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow, about Mass Incarceration. This study led us to action as the Beloved Community Movement. The effort began with a dialogue of hundreds of community members, police officers and public officials held at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Hear about the dialogues and policy changes that people of faith are working on together.

Guest presenters include Rev. Jennifer Goto, Pastor of St. Paul United Methodist Church in San Jose and others.

Please RSVP to rsvp@sivicouncil.org