On the 40th Anniversary of the Juneteenth Festival in Santa Clara County, the Silicon Valley Interreligius Council (SiVIC) Board of Directors and Affiliates congratulate African American Community Service Agency for celebrating 158 years of freedom of African Americans from slavery. This year the festival takes place over seven days from June 13 to June 19 both In-person events and virtual getherings. The festival includes wide variety of food, artwork, retailers, community services and local businesses have been a major draw for event attendees. Please visit: “https://www.sjaacsa.org/juneteenth/home” for more detials and schedule. You need to register for the events.
The Festival celebrates African American heritage and is an opportunity to educate the community on topics ranging from health to educational and financial literacy. This year, as the community is re-emerging after a long year of struggle, celebrating our resilience together will be especially meaningful. For more infoon each event, please click: “http://sivicouncil.org/events” .