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Koret Pavilion, Ziff Center

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565 Mayfield Avenue
Stanford, CA 94305 United States

October 2015

Yearning to Breathe Free: The Response to Today’s Refugee Crisis

October 14, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Koret Pavilion, Ziff Center, 565 Mayfield Avenue
Stanford, CA 94305 United States
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Featuring Riva Silverman, Vice President at HIAS and Winnie Gacheru, Director at HIAS Kenya The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) hosts a presentation on the refugee crisis.  Winnie Gacheru, Director as HIAS Kenya, and Riva Silverman, Vice President at HIAS, will speak.  The refugee crisis is worse today than at any time since WWII.  Conflict and persecution is driving millions from their homes, leaving them stateless and vulnerable.  Winnie and Riva will provide a framework for understanding today's global refugee…

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