May 2015
Claiming the Beloved Community
How does racial profiling & unconscious bias affect you and our community? Join us for: Testimonies from diverse young people and law enforcement officials Discussion to build understanding across different experiences, identify community priorities, and develop recommendations for change. Let's continue the dialogue with our Santa Clara County Movement! Guided by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s principles of love and justice and responding to events in Ferguson, New York, and our own community, faith leaders are bringing together community members,…
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Climate Summit for Faith Communities- San Jose
COP21 in Paris, and Beyond… What You Can Do to Make Our Planet Safer for Our Future Are you one of the 2/3 of all Americans who are very concerned about climate change and now recognize that humans, and our burning of fossil fuels, are the major cause of global warming? Are you the member of a group and would you like to get your congregation, your school, your community organization, your social or climate justice group, your fellow workers,…
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