We have just received word that our proposal for a panel discussion at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Salt Lake City in October has been accepted! Our presentation, “From Partner City to Interreligious Council: Promoting a Just and Compassionate Society” will cover what we have learned over the past several years as SiVIC was founded and as we have grown and developed our work to make a more just and compassionate society. The panelists will include Rev. D. Andrew Kille, Girish Shah, Joy-Ellen Lipsky, Diane Fisher, and Rowan Fairgrove.
SiVIC was founded in 2011 in part due to the effort of a local interreligious coalition to have San Jose/ Silicon Valley included in the Partner City Network of the Parliament of the World’s Religions. A delegation traveled to Melbourne, Australia to receive the recognition and to make a presentation about how the Partner City process enabled us to focus cooperative efforts in our area. One of the representatives in Melbourne was then San Jose City Councilman Dave Cortese.
This year, the Parliament will again convene, this time in Salt Lake City, from October 15-19. Over 30 people from our area have already registered to attend the Parliament. The conference theme is Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity, and speakers will include the Dalai Lama, Dr. Karen Armstrong, Dr. Tariq Ramadan, Oscar Arias Sanchez, Dr. Eboo Patel, Valarie Kaur, and many more. Hundreds of workshops, films, exhibits, and the opportunity to meet and talk with thousands of people from around the world coming together for peace and cooperation make it an event not to be missed!
Plan to join us for the biggest interreligious gathering in the world! For details and regstration, go the the Parliament Website.