About sivicouncil

Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC)

Celebrating Nostra Aetate

symbols_16.fw50 years ago, on October 28, 1965, Pope Paul VI issued a proclamation Nostra Aetate (In Our Time) at the Second Vatican Council, opening up the relationship of Catholics to non-Christian religions. The document called for mutual understanding, respect, and fraternal dialogue across religious traditions. This simple but profound proclamation marked a new chapter in interfaith cooperation, and has underwritten many movements of interfaith action to address issues of systematic discrimination and injustice.

SiVIC has joined with Santa Clara University, the Diocese of San Jose, the Rabbinic Association of Greater San Jose, and the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley in celebrating this anniversary and committing to ongoing efforts to build understanding and appreciation among the religious communities of our area:
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13th Annual Coat and Soup Ministry

coat ministryA collaborative effort sponsored by:
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Grace Baptist Church, One Warm Coat Foundation, City Team Ministries, NAACP, Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley, SiVIC, and many more!

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
484 E. San Fernando St., San José, 95112

Last year, we:

  • served over 345 families
  • received 1201 coats
  • had 170 volunteers both days
  • provided 59 blood pressure checks
  • and raised $4607 for the poor and homeless in our area
What donations are needed?
    (New or *slightly* used) – All Sizes
  • New Items (All Sizes)
    Socks, scarves, hats, gloves, tents, blankets, sleeping bags, underwear
  • Hygiene Kits (Goal: 400 kits)
    Toothbrushes, mouthwash, razors, toilet paper, soap, lotion, combs, Kleenex, shampoo, conditioner, chapstick, sanitary napkins
Where do I bring my donations?
  • Emmanuel Family Life Center – Donation Bins
    467 N. White Road ~ San José, CA 95127
  • Grace Baptist Church – Donation Bins
    484 E. San Fernando St. ~ San José, CA 95112

Accepting donations until Friday, 12/11/15

How can I volunteer?

Please contact Rev. Celinda Miranda at celindam@hotmail.com

soup bowl

Download a flyer to share at your congregation or community: coatministry2015

Statement on Anti-Muslim protests

hands togetherAt this time, when the forces of fear are calling for rallies against a religious minority, and xenophobia and bigotry are given more prominent voice in the public square, we feel it necessary to reaffirm the common values of openness, tolerance, understanding, and pluralism that unite us as Americans and as human beings. We stand against those who would fracture the unity of the human family along racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural lines; but even more we stand for the compassion and mutual respect that our world so badly needs. Continue Reading →

7th International Children’s Festival

Here’s a taste of what you can expect at the International Children’s Festival, Saturday, October 3, 2015, from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

International Children’s Festival brings together children from different world cultures and communities in the Bay Area. More than 3000 people have attended the festival which includes traditional dances, performances, arts and crafts, children’s activities and food.
Different groups and ethnicities perform folk dances with authentic clothing and native songs. While enjoying traditional dances, visitors will have the opportunity to taste homemade authentic dishes and desserts from around the world. In addition to dance performances, children will enjoy magic shows, balloon twisters, face painting, pony rides and much more.
Download a flyer:Childrens Festival 2015

SiVIC joins in “Call for Civic and Religious Literacy”

SiVIC joined ING and other local organizations in calling for education for both religious understanding and civic involvement in the United States, following unfortunate comments by presidential candidates in recent days. The statement says, in part:

We urge Dr. Carson and other fellow Americans to learn more about the history and founding of this great country, which, based on the wisdom of its Founding Fathers, guarantees the right of every American to practice their faith, hold public office, and aspire for the highest office of the land.

… We would like to educate Dr. Carson and others about the relationship between Islam and democracy. Principles of equal representation and respect for religious pluralism were early hallmarks of Muslim societies, and despite modern examples of Muslim-majority countries doing a poor job of upholding such rights, the reality is that the majority of Muslims, especially but not only in the United States, hold views of their faith and its values that are eminently compatible with American democracy. Dr. Carson’s words do not target any potential Muslim presidential candidate (there aren’t any) but they do serve to further isolate and demonize a community already under added scrutiny. In this Islamophobic environment, words such as Dr. Carson’s have real-life effects upon the lives of American Muslims, especially students who are often the target of bullying.

To read the full statement and list of supporters, go to the ING website.

Compassion Games 2015

Compassion GamesJoin Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC), Carry the Vision (CTV),
and other community groups in a coopetition*
to make Silicon Valley a more compassionate society!

*Coopetition = Cooperative Competition

We invite you to be a part of the Compassion Games again this year. Compassionate Silicon Valley is once again competing with groups and cities around the world to demonstrate who is the most compassionate of all!

Follow the links for more information and join the team!*

*These are also in the menu above under “Projects”

Interviews from Teen Leadership Council

The Teen Interfaith Leadership Council traveled to New Mexico in July to visit religious communities, engage in dialogue and community service, and to make new friends. Accompanied by SiVIC Board Members Deacon Steve Herrera and Diane Fisher, the students learned more about the religious diversity of the US, and learned skills for sharing their religious traditions with one another. Click on the picture or the link below to see interviews with the students describing their experiences. Thanks to Deacon Steve Herrera for the video production.

Teen Leadership Councilhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_TlPuPNd5zQZV9ZZnQwb3U2U28/view?pli=1



Visit with students from India

A group of twelve students from India (ages 18 to 24) will be visiting several cities in the USA this Summer as part of a trip organized by JAINA, the Federation of Jain Associations in North America, an umbrella organization that preserves and shares Jain Dharma and the Jain Way of Life.

SiVIC and the Jain Center of Northern California invite local residents, especially young people, to join these young people for a program and lunch at the Jain Center in Milpitas. The program will include time for participants to say a few words about their activities in the Interreligious/ interfaith arena.

WHEN: Thursday, July 16, 2015, 11:30 am
WHERE: Jain Center of Northern California, 722 S. Main street, Milpitas, CA 95035
RSVP to Girish Shah at girish.shah@sivicouncil.org to ensure adequate food for the lunch.

Please extend this invitation to youth and young adults in your own community.